The Campeones program, in an effort to adapt to current conditions, was redesigned by changing face-to-face classes for an online tutoring system using the Google Classroom Platform, in which virtual classrooms were created for each age group, and a training program was developed to last since the beginning of social distancing and up on until July 15.
To do this, a final community project was the best option, one that would have a social impact and at the same time would not force Campeones to leave the safety of their homes during quarantine. The project Adopt a local business was created and classes were scheduled with different specialists in the areas of economics, marketing, social networking, photography and psychology to work with students and learn different skills.
Subsequently, they chose the local business they wanted to support, service providers and various small businesses of family and neighbors. They created social media pages, logos for the brands along with videos and photographs that would generate content and advertisement on different social media platforms; from business hours to the daily promotions to generate more sales. This way, small construction companies, seamstress, taco shops, fishmongers, flower shops, bicycle shops, etc., began to promoting their businesses through social media platforms that the Campeones managed, and the results were exemplary, from an elderly woman providing her seamstress services to an entire family working in their shop.
The knowledge and skills that were acquired were remarkable and the results for local businesses were simply amazing, proving once again how committed younger generations are to bettering their community.
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