Privacy Agreement PEACE Punta de Mita, A.C.

PEACE Punta de Mita, A.C. with address in Otilio Montaño, Fracc. Emiliano Zapata, Punta de Mita, Nayarit, CP 63734, informs you that the personal data collected through any of the areas of the association will be used solely and exclusively to carry out the fulfillment of the substantive purposes and adjectives of such. Therefore, we inform you the following:

I. We have the administrative, technical, physical and moral measures to ensure security in the handling and custody of personal data in possession.
II. Data transfer by any means will be avoided, except when the owner expresses his consent in writing and/or when it is strictly necessary.
III. Being a civil association, under no circumstances will personal data of donors or sponsors of any kind be disclosed, unless the owner so wishes, and this is expressed in writing.

All in compliance with the Federal Law for Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, published in the Official Journal of the Federation dated July 5, 2010 (Personal Data Act) and its Regulations published on December 21, 2011.

Processing of Data of Minors
If at some specific event or activity falling within the Programs PEACE Punta de Mita AC, personal data of minors is requested, prior notice will be given to their parents or guardians, informing them of the purposes specific to the treatment to which they will be subjected, likewise, the provisions of the following paragraph will be complied with.
PEACE Punta de Mita A.C. will ensure the proper use of their personal data and will only carry out the treatment respecting the best interests of the minor and ensuring respect for their fundamental rights, obtaining the authorization of the legal representative of the minor. If PEACE Punta de Mita A.C. could not directly or indirectly confirm the age of the minor or the authorization of their parents or guardians, it will be understood that minors provide us with their personal data after consultation, advice and express authorization of their parents or legal guardians, as established in the Federal Civil Code and in the applicable legislation.

This website makes technical linking devices (links, banners and buttons) available for users to access websites belonging to or managed by third parties. PEACE Punta de Mita A.C. does not offer or market the products or services available in the linked websites for itself or by way of third parties, nor does it control, supervise, or approve of the products, services, contents, information, data or any other type of material appearing in these linked websites.
Consequently, PEACE Punta de Mita A.C. will not be held responsible for the information found outside of this website. The purpose of the links that appear is exclusively to inform users about the existence of other sources of information on the Internet regarding a determined subject. These links do not represent an invitation or recommendation to visit them.

Photos and Videos
When you attend any of the activities, programs or events organized, offered or coordinated directly or indirectly by PEACE Punta de Mita A.C., it will be understood that you grant us prior and express consent for PEACE Punta de Mita A.C. to use your image, photography, video, voice and/or sound that is identifiable, with the purpose of making a free and non-profit dissemination of them, dissemination that will aim to reach more communities, beneficiaries and/or population in general, always with the purpose of inviting more people to participate, be beneficiaries and/or render public or private accounts regarding the activities carried out by PEACE Punta de Mita A.C.

Contact Information
PEACE Punta de Mita A.C. reserves the right to change, modify, complement and/or alter this notice, at any time, in which case it will be made known to you through any of the means established by the legislation on the matter. For any clarification, the head of the association is Dinorah De Haro Inda with telephone number 322 133 45 51 and email address
We will investigate and attempt to resolve any request or complaint regarding the use or disclosure of your personal information.