This school year, Campeones program grow to have 50 students from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade of middle school, being the largest group on the history of the program, and it is for this reason that we have made all the necessary arrangements to move the program to Higuera Blanca High School, to take advantage of its excellent facilities that have the appropriated space, so our Campeones can take their different Programming, Finance and English subjects in groups and in different classrooms. We are sure that this new space will be very useful and enjoyable for our Campeones.
In the English class we have implemented the Top Notch pedagogy from Pearson, which means the Campeones are learning from the basics of English as a second language to more advanced depending on the level they were assigned accordingly. We started working with this methodology almost a year ago and the results are more than visible, the Campeones feel more confident to talk, express themselves, and since they really understand what they are being taught they feel more eager and willing to learn English as a second language.
A key part of the success of this new methodology impulsed by their teacher Alexis Ornelas is being at the same level of the students, teaching based on related contemporary topics that result of great interest to them and, the development of each lesson in a very comprehensively way, meaning that each lesson involves songs, videos, games and various activities that are topic-related, to reinforce the knowledge obtained during each class.
Without a doubt, this will be a great year for our Campeones!
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